Financial Gifts
Financial gifts ensure that the stories and experiences of the National Guard are documented and shared for generations to come. Gifts made to the Center are administered through The USM Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, which serves as a fiduciary of all private funds donated to Southern Miss. Support at any level is welcome and may be paid outright or pledged over five years.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Annual corporate sponsorships to support the study of the National Guard play a crucial role in advancing research and understanding of this vital military reserve force. Your sponsorship is a resounding statement of support for the guardsmen and women who have answered the call. In return, companies gain positive brand recognition, demonstrating their commitment to national security and community resilience.

Levels of Sponsorship
An annual contribution at the listed levels comes with the associated benefits for the year of the sponsor’s contribution.
Premier listing of company logo on CSNG website with link to your corporate website.
Premier logo placement on publications and promotional materials
Premier listing on signage during events.
Inclusion in media releases.
Recognition in the Center for the Study of the National Guard.
Certificate of membership.
Prominent listing of company logo on CSNG website with link to your corporate website.
Prominent logo placement on publications and promotional materials.
Prominent listing on signage during events.
Inclusion in media releases.
Recognition in the Center for the Study of the National Guard.
Certificate of membership.
Listing of company logo on CSNG website.
Logo placement on publications and promotional materials.
Certificate of membership.
Listing of company name on CSNG website.
Certificate of membership.
Background Image: 2024 Minnesota National Guard Women’s Leadership Forum [Image 40 of 40], by SGT Austyn Aagaard (ARNG) via Defense Visual Information Distribution Service